As Christians, God doesn't want us hiding in the shadows. He has called us out from darkness into His marvelous light that we might proclaim His praises.
Anyways, I just really dug the picture. If you click on it, check out the kid's eyes.
It was great to see both Yumi and Keisuke. They came out to the baptisms too.
Keisuke's been away at college in China. While he was away, his mom & sister got saved and were baptized on Easter. After years of praying for them, Keisuke was just so blessed to hear that God had finally answered his prayers. We continue to pray for his dad too!
We are looking forward to the fellowship time we will enjoy with Keisuke and with Yumi.
When we moved into the new building, we had these wonderful plastic chairs that in each service, we broke about six. It had a distinctive "crack" to it. No body seemed to mind. It create some giggles. We were just so blessed that God had provided ins such a incredible way.
Can you see who's getting baptized at Zampa beach? Sometimes, I will drive by the old building and thank God for all the wonderful and funny memories He gave us. God has been so good.
Check back, we got a video in the works that we'll try get posted on this thing and some more historical pics. God bless.