Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Buddhist Monk comes knocking

We had an unusual visitor at our door on Monday. A Buddhist Monk came by asking for donations. "Silver and gold, have I none, but in the name of Jesus of Nazareth..." I tried to engage in conversation with him but he politely declined. He allowed me to take a picture of him (check out his sandals). It was a real reminder for us to pray and continue to share the true hope and love of Jesus Christ to the Okinawans.

This is from Wikipedia: 84% of Japanese people profess to believe both Shinto (the indigenous religion of Japan) and Buddhism. Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism from China have significantly influenced Japanese beliefs and mythology. Religion in Japan tends to be syncretic in nature, and this results in a variety of practices such as parents and children celebrating Shinto rituals, students praying before exams, couples holding a wedding at a Christian church and funerals being held at Buddhist temples. A minority (0.7%) profess to Christianity and other religions (4.7%) like shamanism, Islam, and Hinduism. Since the mid-19th century, numerous religious sects (shinshūkyō) have emerged.

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