Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Phipps' Family Visa renewed!

God blessed us. The Phipps' Family has been approved for another 3 years on their Missionary Visas to Japan. It was totally the Lord- we turned in their renewal about one week ago and its already back approved! God has great things for them in Okinawa still. And of course, we are the blessed ones by their love, support and ministry to us here.
Farah's mom and aunt came to visit for a week (they are twins- can you tell?). What a joy it was to have them here. Both are Christians who love the Lord and have given Farah a very Godly heritage.
Here's the whole Phipps' clan. Caleb says that the best thing about his dad is that "when it's dark outside, I like to wrestle with him".
Here's Jonah in his signature rain coat and green boots. He's definitely a "ham". Do you think he gets it from Farah or Glenn? I wonder.

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