Wednesday, July 11, 2007

VBS "Take the Plunge With Jesus" prep

With our week long VBS just right around the corner, God brought out His servants to come and help the church get ready the "fun in the Son". Pictured above: Maria, Maricela, Johanna (from Montebello) and Bekah are getting the Snack Shack ready.
We had to turn the sanctuary into a Water Amusement Park. The church folks came out in full force and they did such an incredible job!
Steve and Tiffany Gaines were the decoration team leads- and they went over the top! Look at Steve's penguin! It's awesome. He made it out of wire mesh over an old vacuum cleaner and paper mache' ! By the way, please pray for Steve- he deploys this Friday for 9 months in the desert!
This is the waterfall! It's really the entrance to the lobby but how cool is that!?
Here the team is turning our G-Force trailer into the water themed craft cove. There is no doubt the kids are going have a blast! Thank you everyone who gave of their time to help us out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks awesome in there!! The waterfall rocks. We miss you guys and send our love!

Jess Andersen