Women's Mini Conference - This Saturday, May 23rd
The ladies are planning a mini-conference (1/2 day) entitled "Firmly Planted". Please pray for the gals as they gather to be strengthened in their walk with Jesus. There will be workshops and general teaching sessions. Pray for the Japanese translation and we're having a special workshop for our Japanese sisters too! It should be a great time in the Lord.
Today's conference was awesome! The Lord's Presence was evident and His peace so amazing. Praise the Lord for this wonderful time! Thank you to all the ladies who came and all the gals who did so much to put it all together! The Lord is good!
I attended one of these at CC Fredericksburg. It was called a "one day retreat". It was a blessing and very convenient for the ladies who cannot get away for the whole weekend b/c of family or expenses. Miss you guys and wish I could run away from home for a couple of months (oops, I meant weeks)!
Wish i was there would have loved to have made it for this. Have yet to get more involved in church here transportation probs again will be settled in it's time like it was in oki untill there i wait on the Lord to work out the details of my life.
Love you all,
Jessie Gould
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